
about Tech, Computer vision and Machine learning

Google Plus API Test

Google Plus APIのテスト。 at master from satojkovic/GooglePlus - GitHub


use strict;
use warnings;

use Config::Pit;
use WebService::Simple;

## APIKey and UserID
my $config = pit_get("", require=>{
    "APIKey" => "your API key",
    "UserID" => "your user ID"

my $api_key = $config->{APIKey};
my $user_id = $config->{UserID};

## API access
my $agent = WebService::Simple->new(
    base_url => "$user_id/activities/public",
    param => { alt=>'json', pp => 1, key => $api_key },
    reponse_parse => 'JSON',

my $res = $agent->get();
print $res->parse_response;