from mpld3.plugins import PluginBase import jinja2 import json from mpld3 import show_d3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np class LinkedView(PluginBase): """A simple plugin showing how multiple axes can be linked""" FIG_JS = jinja2.Template(""" var linedata{{ id }} = {{ linedata }}; ax{{ axid }}.axes.selectAll(".paths{{ collid }}") .on("mouseover", function(d, i){ line{{ elid }}.data = linedata{{ id }}[i]; line{{ elid }}.lineobj.transition() .attr("d", line{{ elid }}.line(line{{ elid }}.data)) .style("stroke",;}) """) def __init__(self, points, line, linedata): self.points = points self.line = line self.linedata = linedata = self.generate_unique_id() def _fig_js_args(self): points = self._get_d3obj(self.points) line = self._get_d3obj(self.line) return dict(, axid=points.axid, collid=points.collid, elid=line.elid, lineaxid=line.axid, lineid=line.lineid, linedata=json.dumps(self.linedata)) if __name__ == '__main__': fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) # scatter periods and amplitudes np.random.seed(0) P = np.random.random(size=10) A = np.random.random(size=10) x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) data = np.array([[x, Ai * np.sin(x / Pi)] for (Ai, Pi) in zip(A, P)]) points = ax[1].scatter(P, A, c=P + A, s=200, alpha=0.5) ax[1].set_xlabel('Period') ax[1].set_ylabel('Amplitude') # create the line object lines = ax[0].plot(x, 0 * x, '-w', lw=3, alpha=0.5) ax[0].set_ylim(-1, 1) # transpose line data and add plugin linedata = data.transpose(0, 2, 1).tolist() fig.plugins = [LinkedView(points, lines[0], linedata)] # open graphs in a browser show_d3(fig)