- 作者: Stephen Marsland
- 出版社/メーカー: Chapman and Hall/CRC
- 発売日: 2009/04/08
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 25回
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from numpy import * class pcn: """ 単純パーセプトロン """ def __init__(self, inputs, targets): """ Constructor """ # setup network size if ndim(inputs): self.nIn = shape(inputs)[1] else: self.nIn = 1 if ndim(targets): self.nOut = shape(targets)[1] else: self.nOut = 1 self.nData = shape(inputs)[0] # 重みをランダムな数値で初期化 self.weights = random.rand(self.nIn+1, self.nOut)*0.1-0.05 def pcntrain(self, inputs, targets, eta, nIterations): """学習フェーズ""" # バイアスノードを追加 inputs = concatenate((inputs, -ones((self.nData, 1))), axis=1) # 学習 change = range(self.nData) for n in range(nIterations): self.outputs = self.pcnfwd(inputs); self.weights += eta * dot(transpose(inputs), targets-self.outputs) # Randomise order of inputs random.shuffle(change) inputs = inputs[change,:] targets = targets[change,:] print "Iteration:" , n print self.weights print "Final outpus are:" print self.outputs def pcnfwd(self, inputs): """再現フェーズ""" outputs = dot(inputs, self.weights) # Threshold the outputs return where(outputs > 0, 1, 0)
In [1]: from numpy import * In [2]: import pcn In [3]: inputs = ([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]) In [4]: targets = array([[0], [1], [1], [1]]) In [5]: p = pcn.pcn(inputs, targets) In [6]: p.pcntrain(inputs, targets, 0.25, 30) Iteration: 0 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [-0.48064425]] Iteration: 1 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [-0.23064425]] Iteration: 2 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] Iteration: 3 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] Iteration: 4 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] Iteration: 5 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] ・・・ (中略) ・・・ Iteration: 28 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] Iteration: 29 [[ 0.45296743] [ 0.28747833] [ 0.01935575]] Final outpus are: [[0] [1] [1] [1]]